Why are there Filipinos in the Middle East?Where are the Filipinos in the Middle East?Who are the Filipinos in the Middle East?How to reach a Filipino in the Middle East?What is new with Filipinos in the Middle East?

The Middle East is a Small World
After All

If this is your first time to work abroad and you, fortunately, have gone to the Middle East, you will realize how empty you can be. Finally, you will realize how important your country are to you.

However, on the other hand, it is a good thing you are in the Middle East where there is already a strong Filipino presence. Unlike the highly volatile Filipino organizations in the United States, the Filipino communities in the Middle East have less politics. They are more concerned with providing fellow Filipinos with morale support making the acculturalization process more tolerable.

The Middle East has the biggest concentration of Filipino workers.

The years of unrestricted exportation of Filipino manpower to the Middle East has created a new reality in the Arab world: the persistence of Filipino cultural tracks in their conservative society.

Have You Been to Bat'ha?

Saudi Arabia: Bat'ha is more popularly known as the "Filipino Market" having been overtaken by Filipinos throughout the years and has become their activity center on holidays in Riyadh, Kingdom of saudi Arabia.

Filipino Pride Shines Again

Bahrain: After a long period of disarray, the premier organization of Filipino expatriates in Bahrain, Filipino Club, finally raises the banner of Filipino pride. The last yeat of this century saw the organization stood back on its feet with a formidable list of activities that benefitted the Filipino community in Bahrain.

The Middle East

Click on the picture above to download the latest CIA map of the Middle East in PDF format.